Laura Kuenssberg: Why is Humza Yousaf predicting 'inevitable' Keir Starmer victory?

You voters are a volatile bunch and polling suggests swathes of the public are yet to make up their minds. So what is exactly is the First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, up to when he proclaims so confidently that Starmer will reach Downing Street - and that the Labour leader "doesn't need Scotland" in order to do it?
In 2019 the SNP's dominance in Scotland was absolute - the biggest party by miles for the third general election in a row. The SNP took 48 seats while Labour managed only one. Now there is a real fight between them for first place with the possibility, as things stand, they end up with roughly the same number. You read those numbers right: the SNP could lose about half their seats.
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