Poll shows voters like and trust Keir Starmer more than Rishi Sunak

If the outcome of the election is decided by personality and not politics, Sir Keir Starmer has one foot in Downing Street already. That is the clear conclusion of an exclusive survey for The Independent by pollsters Redfield and Wilton.
The survey of 1,500 adults showed that if you ask voters who they would rather go to the pub with, lend money to, get them to help put up a shelf, make them laugh, join their quiz team or cry on their shoulder, then Mr Starmer wins hands down every time.
Based on the evidence of the Redfield and Wilton poll, the brutal truth for Rishi Sunak is that his opponent is seen as more practical, fun, blokey, trustworthy and knowledgeable. There is no avoiding it: they like Sir Keir more than they like Mr Sunak.
The good news for Mr Sunak is that he is seen as one-half meerkat, a cute and highly alert creature. The bad news is he is also seen as one-half skunk: smelly and sly. The good news for Mr Starmer is that he is seen as one-third tiger – evidence perhaps that his claim to have ruthlessly ditched Labour's left-wing baggage has hit home with some voters.
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