Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Seattle Kraken - Preview, Projected Lines and TV Broadcast Info

The Leafs are tired coming off of an emotional rollercoaster loss to the Canucks and the Kraken are on two days of rest, but Seattle is a loser of three straight and is without two of their top three centermen, Yanni Gourde (suspended) and Matty Beniers (injured), while a good chunk of their lineup deals with a flu bug.
We have to pay attention to the things we can control. We can't control the sickness and the illness and whether guys are injured and unavailable. We control some of the detail of our game. We are going to have to elevate that with every guy who is available. We have to get our detail back and make sure our competitiveness level is at a really high stage.
Read at Maple Leafs Hotstove