FCC Reinstates Net Neutrality

Broadband access to the Internet is a critical conduit that is essential for modern life. Protecting this critical infrastructure that is essential to the safety, economy, health, education, and well-being of this country is good public policy. The value is so great that we cannot wait for the flood to arrive before we start to build the levee.
In another press release, FCC chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel notes five use cases of protections that net neutrality promises to ensure. These include preventing ISPs from blocking traffic, slowing down content or creating pay-to-play internet fast lanes, providing oversight of broadband outages, and authority to direct foreign-owned companies deemed to be national security threats to discontinue any domestic or international broadband services.
In terms of speech, the FCC noted that it 'has no authority to, and no interesting in, policing online speech,' and that the open internet protections will prevent ISPs from doing so.
Read at GameSpot