What is NumPy? Faster array and matrix math in Python

NumPy optimizes array and matrix math in Python by providing a specialized array type that works with machine-native numerical types. It avoids translation between Python objects and machine-native numbers, offering significant speed advantages.
The NumPy library uses code written in high-speed languages like C, C++, and Fortran, making it efficient for computing at scale. NumPy operations occur outside Python's runtime, eliminating Python's speed limitations.
Using NumPy for math operations in Python, especially in fields like machine learning, avoids inefficiencies of storing numbers as Python lists and looping over them. Each NumPy array uses a uniform data type and can have any number of dimensions.
NumPy allows specifying data types explicitly when creating arrays, offering control over the numerical format for optimized calculations. For example, np.uint32 denotes an unsigned 32-bit integer. This explicit dtype definition can enhance performance further.
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