The Facebook effect: As social media turns 20, Taryn de Vere and Ciara Kelly share how it changed their lives for the better and the worse

In the two decades since Facebook was launched, an abundance of platforms from Twitter and Instagram to Snapchat and TikTok have revolutionised everything from how we interact to how we work, date, shop and run political campaigns. But there has been a high price to pay, with the advent of online bullying and weaponised toxicity.
I became an enthusiastic user of various platforms when I was lone parenting five small children. My social life back then consisted of waving at other parents during school pick-up time and, if I was lucky, running into someone I knew in the doctor's waiting room. I began using social media platforms during this time and while I wouldn't say social media saved my life, I can certainly credit it with saving my sanity.
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