Where did San Francisco's homeless people go during APEC? Not very far

If you've followed much of the news coverage leading up to APEC, you might be led to believe that San Francisco had, at least temporarily, rid its downtown of scenes like this in hopes of putting its best face forward to the world and flipping the unrelenting doom loop narrative surrounding its post-pandemic challenges.
People were just forced to go to the alleys, said Javier Bremond, human rights organizer with the San Francisco advocacy group Coalition on Homelessness. And a lot of people are under the freeway.
They've definitely been moving people around from the areas that were going to be inhabited by the fancy people, said homeless resident Zach Wiseman, 28, sitting hunched over a suitcase beside a bus stop across the street from the APEC entrance at Mission Street. Dress up for the show, and once it's over, go back to whatever.
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