How Much Does It Cost To Be A Competitive Trail Runner?

First, in August 2023, Dave Stevens announced his decision not to race UTMB, despite gaining automatic entry as the winner of the 2022 Puerto Vallarta Mexico by UTMB 100 Mile. The cost of traveling to Chamonix, France, he pointed out on Instagram, meant that racing there would require him to make too many other sacrifices. He instead opted to race the competitive Run Rabbit Run 100 Mile in Colorado, finishing first, ahead of Jimmy Elam and Arlen Glick, all of whom earned prize money. In January 2024, Grayson Murphy shared on social media how her business, creating runner-specific training logs, provides her with financial stability when her sponsorships change.
Many of us were initially attracted to running because of its simplicity. "All you need is a pair of shoes," we've heard. It's true, running is not inherently expensive. But the costs can quickly escalate. Among competitive runners striving to maximize their performance wherever possible (and sanctioned), the financial implications are significant.
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