Top 50 Python Data Structure Exercises (List, Set, Dictionary, and Tuple)

In the following exercises, you'll engage in a series of hands-on challenges that traverse the landscape of Lists, Sets, Dictionaries, and Tuples, as well as more advanced concepts like list comprehension. Each exercise is designed not just to impart technical knowledge but to spark your creativity, encouraging you to think critically and express solutions with the eloquence Python provides.
List Operations: The one Python data structure that you'll use the most in your code is the Python list. So, it is essential to practice problems that require using it. Exercise #1 Problem: Create a list of numbers and find the sum of all elements. Context: This exercise helps you practice basic list creation and element-wise addition. Solution: numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] sum_of_elements = sum(numbers) print(sum_of_elements) Exercise #2 Problem: Remove duplicates from a list and make a unique Python list. Context: This exercise focuses on utilizing sets to eliminate duplicate elements. Solution: original_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5] unique_list = list(set(original_list)) print(unique_list) Exercise #3 Problem: Check if a list is empty. Context: Understanding how to verify if a list has no elements. Solution: my_list = [] is_empty = not bool(my_list) print(is_empty) Exercise #4 Problem: Reverse a list. Context: Practice reversing the order of elements in a list. Solution: my_list
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