WHO concerned about al-Shifa chief detained by Israel, remaining patients

The WHO said in a statement on Friday that the director of the biggest hospital in the besieged Palestinian territory had been arrested on Wednesday along with five other health workers, while they were taking part in a United Nations mission to evacuate patients.
Three medical personnel from the Palestine Red Crescent Society and three from the Ministry of Health were detained, the WHO said. Since then, two of the six have reportedly been released, but we do not have information about the well-being of the four remaining health staff, including the director of Al-Shifa hospital, the statement added.
We are currently moving forward with questioning him over the fact that he was the head of a hospital that was really sitting on top of an entire terror network, Israeli military spokesperson Doron Spielman said. How could he not know what's happening? We have hostages that were on, you know, CCTV in his hospital.
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