Property management firm Homeland, Inc. allegedly hacked, hackers claim to have hundreds of thousands of SSN of tenants

Over 200Gb of data - tenants info (ssn, income, family members, phone numbers, etc) - service management info (move-in/move-out files, agreements, expenses, etc) - financial data (payments, statements, payrolls, audits, taxes, etc) - business data (contracts, agreements, correspondence, etc) - property data (energy/water usage, insurance, blueprints, photos, etc) - employees data (personal files, ID's, contacts, payments, etc) - other sensitive Homeland Inc. business related data.
We have been contacted by representatives of Homeland,Inc. They were provided with everything they asked, e.g. decryption tool demonstration, sample of leaked data, our demands were provided also. We didn't receive any response from Homeland,Inc after we provided everything they asked for. Since a lot of time passed since Homeland's last answer we decided to make public statement about this incident with file samples attached as we promised to Homeland,Inc before, but with the tenants personal info being removed for this sample only. Top management of Homeland,Inc has time until November 18th to respond.
Read at Databreaches