It is time for a reckoning in the west over Hungary, says US ambassador

David Pressman emphasized that Hungary's democracy issues and its foreign policy divergence from the West are serious and cannot merely be dismissed as rhetoric. He noted that it's time for a reckoning regarding Hungary's stance in relation to its European partners and allies within NATO, suggesting that past explanations are now insufficient given the country's recent actions and diplomatic relationships.
Pressman pointed out Hungary's alarming trend of pressure on independent voices and civil society. He stated that under Viktor Orban, political and economic power has increasingly been centralized, raising concerns among foreign governments about the steps taken to undermine democracy and the rule of law, directly impacting Hungary's relationships with the EU and the transatlantic alliance.
He criticized Orban's double standards, questioning how Hungary could regard itself as a victim of Russian aggression while simultaneously fostering a closer alliance with Moscow. Pressman argued that Hungary's actions incite confusion and challenge the principles of both EU membership and NATO alliance, stirring substantial uncertainty among Hungary's European allies.
Pressman described Hungary's recent initiatives, like easing visa restrictions for Russian citizens, as direct threats to European security. He raised concerns about how a member state of the EU engages in practices that contradict collective security efforts against adversaries like Russia, highlighting the complexities of Hungary's political maneuvers amidst growing assertiveness from Moscow.
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