Fresno Rolls Out One of California's Most Aggressive Camping Bans | KQED

"Criminalizing homelessness has long proven to be a total destabilizing factor in their lives. It increases the chances of being homeless on the streets again, and it's not a resolution," local activist Bob McCloskey said.
"None of these laws are actually helping anyone end their homelessness in any way except by incarcerating them, which is the most expensive way to house a person," Tars said, noting that in many places, people could be housed for a month for the cost of a week in jail.
"Nobody chooses to be homeless and to have to urinate or defecate or use drugs outdoors," he said. "That choice has been made for them by the elected officials who have known for years that we have an affordable housing crisis and have chosen to not fix it and now are redirecting the blame ont..."
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