The Best Portland-Area Haunted Houses to Visit for Halloween

Halloween may still be a ways off, but spiritually, we're already there. And what better way to celebrate than by immersing yourself in a haunted house? Whether you want to greet the season by getting lost inside the stuff of nightmares or braving the hallways of a ghostly manor, the right haunted house is out there for your particular spectral needs.
The Fear PDX fancies itself 'Portland's Scariest Haunted House,' so this is targeted at more hardcore haunt-seekers (organizers warn those with heart conditions or high blood pressure). There are several distinct haunted houses and 'scare zones.' But outside the classic mansion, toxic waste-filled pumpkin farm, and clown-filled fun house, the Fear boasts several escape rooms.
In October, Sellwood staple Oaks Park turns to the dark side, hosting three haunted houses in addition to its usual theme park rides and carnival-style games. This year's festivities include a theater haunted by horror movie villains, a ghoulish royal court guarded by a dragon, and a chance to join the ranks of a secret monster-slaying organization.
North Portland's Underhill takes over 40,000 square feet of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum for the spookiest month of the year. The namesake haunted mansion anchors two additional exhibits: an alien-infested spaceship wreck, and, new this year, a swampy wilderness filled with animatronic creatures that will likely give you shivers.
Read at Portland Monthly