'He's Trying To Say They Miss Me:' Skip Bayless Interprets Ben Roethlisberger's Steelers Critique

"I think Ben is saying between the lines here, he's trying to say they miss me," Bayless told the show. "They don't have me anymore on offense because they don't understand what I did. I was the Steeler Way. I also think he's saying between the lines, I miss it because I haven't really found anything else to do with my life right now."
Roethlisberger made up the final pages of the previous chapter, entering the league in 2004 at a time when the sport looked and played differently than it does today. He entered a locker room that was veteran-laden, had a strong culture, and passed that down. Today, those guys are all out of the locker room. Maurkice Pouncey, David DeCastro, and Roethlisberger, it's an entirely new group of players who can't share that wisdom or draw on those experiences.
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