We Let Our 11-Year-old Watch TikTok. Now Her Christmas List Has Taken a Wild Turn.

"My husband proposed we get the products for her for Christmas, but make it clear that throughout the year we won't be indulging in these things. But, while we can afford it, it kills me to spend that money on a completely unnecessary, overpriced product! She does get an allowance for chores, but we also teach her to save and spend wisely... I want her to be able to think responsibly: Do you really need the $85 face cream when there are less expensive options that are just as good (not to mention, do you really need face cream, beyond sunscreen/basic moisturizer at all when you're 11?!)?"
"While it’s great that your daughter is not a complete follower and can think independently of her friends, it’s still important for you to help her navigate her position in relation to her peers and what feels important to her. Open discussions will be important in helping her think critically about her choices. You mentioned that you don’t want her to fall into the trap of spending irresponsibly, and this could be an opportunity for you to help her learn about making responsible decisions."
Read at Slate Magazine