They've Got a Plan to Fight Global Warming. It Could Alter the Oceans.

In a quiet patch of forest in Nova Scotia, a company is building a machine designed to help slow global warming by transforming Earth's rivers and oceans into giant sponges that absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
The beauty of it is how simple the technology is, said Eddie Halfyard, a freshwater ecologist and co-founder of CarbonRun. We let the water do most of the work.
With the dangers of climate change growing and greenhouse gas emissions soaring, scientists and entrepreneurs are increasingly exploring ways to deliberately intervene in climate systems to cool the Earth.
The potential for ocean-based carbon removal is huge, and it's been really underexplored, said Nan Ransohoff, who heads Frontier, a $1 billion fund investing heavily in strategies to take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.
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