'They feel powerless to help him' - Family of Harvey Sherratt (8) at breaking point waiting for scoliosis treatment, Dail hears

"In 2017, when Harvey was just one year old, his parents were told that his ribs were crushing his lungs. In that same year, as Minister [for Health] you promised that no child with scoliosis would wait longer than four months for their operation, but you broke that promise," Deputy McDonald said.
"Harvey has waited and waited and his condition has become life threatening," she added. Ms McDonald said the eight-year-old has been rushed to hospital five times between October and Christmas last year and the party leader said Harvey desperately needed surgery.
"They feel powerless to help him. It's completely changed their outlook on life. His mother Gillian said the wait and lack of treatment is killing her child," Ms McDonald said.
Read at Irish Independent