Plea deal may keep Miami-Dade man accused of child sex crimes off registry. Victim perturbed

Keisha Etienne, a counselor who herself experienced childhood sexual assault, felt disregarded by the legal system during the judicial process of seeking justice against her abuser.
The plea deal for the abuser of Keisha Etienne, which involved pleading guilty to aggravated child abuse and avoiding registering as a sex offender, was considered too lenient and disappointing by Etienne and her attorney.
The Chief Assistant State Attorney suggested that the payments made by the abuser for victim's expenses could be seen as 'reparations,' and it was deemed burdensome to require the abuser to move from his residence near schools if registered as a sex offender.
The Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office did not respond to inquiries regarding the case, leaving questions about the handling of the plea deal and victim's dissatisfaction unanswered.
Read at Miami Herald