Met Police officer who manhandled and wrongly arrested woman on bus found guilty

At Westminster Magistrates' Court, Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram ruled it was not necessary for Lathwood to grab the woman's arm, arrest her and handcuff her. He continued: She was difficult but there were not reasonable grounds to suggest arrest was necessary.
The officer made an error of judgment and overreacted. Handcuffing inflamed the situation even further. I find you guilty of assault.
Mr Ikram said Lathwood's claims that he acted to protect Ms Agyemang's child were fanciful and that he simply did not believe him. The officer's evidence lacked all credibility, he added.
Ms Agyemang said she felt very violated by the incident. I just felt like they did not care, she said. I just felt a bit degraded because I had not done anything wrong.
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