At Emory University, Cops Are Using a Sledgehammer to Swat a Fly

Maybe you've already seen the video of Dr. Noelle McAfee, the chair of the Emory University Philosophy Department...of demanding that their schools divest from financial relationships with Israel.
The morning of April 25 was cool and lovely in Atlanta. Spring is in full bloom, and the scent of honeysuckle often hangs in the morning air...a demand from the greater-Atlanta community that has been consistent since plans to raze forest land to build the expensive, unpopular project were announced in 2021.
For an almost comically short period of time, the protesters and their encampments were alone on the quad. But Emory University President Greg Fenves, against the urging of some of his own faculty, called the cops fast...often kills and harasses people, to remove the students and their encampments from the quad.
What is exceptional in the Emory student protests the other day is the willingness of distinguished faculty to openly condemn their boss's behavior...The faculty senate at Emory censured Fenves on Monday for his police tactics, even though the senate is not scheduled to meet for the year for months.
Read at The Nation