Lamborghini Owner Says He Can't Afford NYC Noise Camera Fine

"The fine is $800 for the first offense. The second offense is $1,700 and the third offense is $2,700," Anthony Aquilino told the New York Post. This escalating penalty structure for noise violations is causing me immense financial strain and threatens my ownership of the vehicle I cherish."
"I'm not driving excessively," Aquilino told the paper. "I was driving down 41st Street at a normal rate of speed and there's people walking by and they don't even pick up their heads." This emphasizes his belief that the noise levels were not out of line with ordinary traffic conditions.
Aquilino claims that legally, the penalty ought only to apply to vehicles that have been deliberately kitted out to increase engine noise. His car, he insists, is entirely stock, and he feels unjustly penalized for noise it shouldn't make.
He's now filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court, contesting not just the noise fines, but the logic behind treating his stock vehicle the same as purposefully modified cars.
Read at The Daily Beast