Celebrate LGBTQ+ Excellence: RSVP Now for The Stonewall Inn Brick Awards Gala and Honor Trailblazing Leaders

As a symbol of LGBTQ+ activism since the historic 1969 riots, The Stonewall Inn is hosting its inaugural awards gala to honor trailblazing leaders who continue to champion visibility, equality, and open doors for others.
This year's honorees include Dominique Jackson (Icon Award) from "Pose", Dr. Frank Mugisha (Global Activist Award), The GenderCool Project (Youth Courage Award), Patrik Gallineaux (Safe Spaces Champion Award), and Amber Hikes (Community Activist Award).
Amidst the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community, this gala stands as a beacon of celebration and strength. Stacy Lentz, CEO of The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI) and co-owner of The Stonewall Inn, expresses excitement about honoring these activists.
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