Spotify Has a Fake-Band Problem. It's a Sign of Things to Come.

"Apparently this has been going on for several years, with ambient music and with electronic music and jazz," said calibuildr, the Redditor who posted the initial thread on r/countrymusic and asked to be identified by their handle. "I think the new thing here is that with A.I. being this consumer product, anybody can make a thing with vocals now."
One of the weirdest scams that recently came to light involves (what else) A.I.-generated content. Covers of popular songs were being inserted into large, publicly available playlists, hidden among dozens of other covers by real artists while racking up millions of listens and getting paid.
If you ask their shareholders, Spotify is in a great place right now. Ask anyone else, and it's a mess of scams, tone-deaf CEO messaging, and lawsuits.
The artists 'performing' the covers-the Highway Outlaws, Waterfront Wranglers, Saltwater Saddles-all fit a certain pattern, with monthly listeners in the hundreds of thousands, zero social media footprint, and some very ChatGPT-sounding bios.
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