I don't think it's going to do well': the Zutons on Valerie and Mark Ronson on covering it with Amy Winehouse

When I played it to the band, they all went: Oh, that's good. I thought: It is, isn't it? We scrapped the original middle eight as it was a bit Guns N' Roses and instead went for a breakdown in the middle, but we knew it was a really catchy song.
Alan Wills at our label Deltasonic said we should change the line about ginger hair - I've missed your ginger hair and the way you like to dress. But Joe Fearon, the head of A&R, said: Are you messing? That's the whole point of the song! I agreed - who writes about ginger hair in a positive way? It stayed.
One of the first times we played it live was at South by Southwest in Texas and Valerie turned up. I said: I've written a song about you. It kind of immortalises her.
When I first heard the Mark Ronson/Amy Winehouse version I told them: I don't think it's going to do very well, because we just had a massive hit with it and lightning doesn't strik...
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