10 Songs that Explain My Year

In my very first installment of this newsletter, I introduced myself and my musical tastes by sharing 10 (or actually 11) songs that explain me. As we wrap up 2023, I thought it would be fun to revisit that format and compile a playlist of songs that explain my year.
Maybe the song that will always trigger the most potent memories of this year was an old one you fell back in love with, a new-to-you discovery or a tune forever linked with an important event. I'd love to hear about your year in music, too.
I kicked off my year with a total pinch-me assignment: Traveling to Los Angeles to interview John Cale. That's only part of the reason this track makes the playlist, though. While I was out there, admittedly under the influence of this song, I realized I'd never read any of Graham Greene's novels.
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