How to Break Free From Brain Fog and Digital Overload

In today's world, it's easy to fall prey to the flood of trivial information bombarding our brains. While technological advancements enrich our lives, they also have an insidious effect: The ability to connect with vast stores of information introduces challenges to our brain's functioning, often outpacing its ability to adapt.
Muhammad struggled to piece together intricate concepts at work and in life. His role as a conference organizer required coordinating travel arrangements for speakers at an international medical conference, but he found it increasingly difficult, even mistakenly booking a week-long layover in Egypt for one professor.
Longing for the days when his thoughts flowed freely, Muhammad realized the toll of social media overexposure on his cognitive abilities. He struggled to focus on tasks for extended periods and noticed a decline in memory retention.
Digital detox and mindfulness can help us regain focus and enhance our natural intuitive thinking skills. Intuition relies on neurotransmitters, like dopamine, critical for effective decision-making.
Read at Psychology Today