What does HCN mean to you? - High Country News

Even 10 years ago, High Country News was a rarity - one of just a handful of nonprofit news organizations in the country. Today there are hundreds, ranging from influential national players like ProPublica to small startups like Nebraska's Flatwater Free Press and Mission Local in San Francisco.
What struck me, aside from the number and quality of nonprofit news outlets, was the central tenet behind all their work: Always put your readers first.
With a nonprofit model, it's often the other way around. The staff of High Country News has understood this for a long time... we depend on you to be our eyes and ears, sharing your insights and story ideas.
The gathering got me to wondering just what HCN means for you, right now, in the midst of our topsy-turvy, media-saturated world. What void does HCN fill in your life? Does it challenge you to look at the West differently?
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