News on social media is a fractured mess, Pew study indicates

The way most users are encountering news content on social media platforms is vastly different, with influencers and unrelated accounts playing a significant role, according to the reports by Pew Research and the Knight Foundation.
Majority of social media users are not on these platforms to follow news, with a minority considering news as a major or minor reason for using platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. Twitter remains an exception, considered a news source by 65% of its users, showcasing a significant difference in user intent across platforms.
While news-related content is being seen by users on various social media platforms, the top categories of news encountered are opinions and 'funny posts' about current events, outweighing news articles and information about breaking news events. X stands out as an exception with users reporting seeing news articles at a similar rate as 'funny posts'. The study highlights a shift in the type of news content being consumed on these platforms.
Across different social media platforms, the sources of news-related posts vary, with influencers and unrelated accounts taking a prominent role in delivering news content. X remains distinct in this aspect, pointing to varying sources of news content consumption among different platforms.
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