Kraft Heinz on how it stained luxury clothes for better rep

Kraft Heinz won the Food and Drink category at The Drum Awards for Experience for its work using cool streetwear to drive consideration with young people.
Heinz Ketchup is known as the definitive ketchup. Over the past 150 years, it's become a true global icon. But the brand was in danger of losing relevance and seeming old and nostalgic to younger audiences.
A lot of CPG brands have been using fast fashion collabs to connect with Gen-Z and millennials. But our research showed that young people are increasingly rejecting fast fashion in the name of sustainability. 62% of Gen-Z and millennials have even started looking for second-hand clothing before purchasing new. Used clothes with wear and tear, even stains, are being embraced.
Introducing Heinz Vintage Drip - a thrifted collection of luxe and streetwear brands, each piece with a unique Heinz Ketchup stain.
Read at The Drum