Amazon Briefing: As competition grows, sellers invest heavy -- and early -- in Prime Day advertising

While Amazon's Prime Day date hasn't been confirmed, third-party sellers are already preparing for one of the biggest sales events. Sellers are facing challenges like attracting buyers amidst competition, rising costs, and adjusting to Amazon's new fee structure.
Sellers are adapting by exploring new marketing channels such as ads on streaming platforms to drive traffic. The evolving landscape has extended the preparation duration for Prime Day, requiring months of strategic planning and adjustments.
Prime Day winners now focus on broader marketing strategies across various platforms rather than just offering deep discounts on Amazon's homepage. The competition intensifying has pushed brands to diversify their efforts to attract shoppers.
The continuous growth of Prime Day popularity has made it challenging for sellers to stand out, urging them to start preparations well in advance to navigate heightened competition and changing marketplace dynamics.
Read at Modern Retail