London & Zurich ransomware attack causes customer chaos

London & Zurich's outage began on November 10 and was confirmed as a ransomware attack four days later on the company's website.
We know three other companies directly who all have the same issue as well and they've gone 'we've been left in the dark.' Nobody knows anything. One of those is in a very bad position - they've got no idea how they're going to make payroll
For example, the company's status page this week indicated that its direct debit portal should be up and running again by November 23, but emails seen by The Register have left customers confused after being told they won't be able to make collections until November 28.
The MSP said the duration of the outage is what has hit it the hardest. Usually a cash-rich operation, it recently made a large PAYE payment as well as putting a large deposit down on a new office building, making its inability to collect payments particularly problematic.
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