This City Is Tapping a Climate Cash Bonanza While It Can

The Biden administration's push to fight climate change has sprinkled billions of dollars across America for major projects, such as building new transmission lines for electric power, and for smaller ones, like planting trees.
The centerpiece of the president's effort, the Inflation Reduction Act, is injecting more than $370 billion into programs aimed at helping the United States cut greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 40 percent below 2005 levels by the end of this decade.
Local officials, like Brian Beffort, are expecting significant funding from federal grants to support sustainability projects in Washoe County, such as rooftop solar panels, urban reforesting, and reducing air pollution.
While federal funding for climate projects is pouring in, there is uncertainty about its impact on supporting President Biden as election polls show his Republican rival leading in battleground states like Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia.
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