Remember Tiananmen Square, media's leap to condemn Israel and other commentary

On June 4, 1989, Beijing's People's Liberation Army 'murdered and injured thousands of peaceful pro-democracy protesters calling for political reform and an end to corruption.' The image of a sole protester defying 'a row of tanks instantly became an enduring global symbol of resistance against oppression.'
'Now Chinese educators are 'forbidden from teaching about it,'' references to the massacre 'are instantly removed from China's heavily censored internet,' and public memorials 'are strictly prohibited.' Expect a vote on a bipartisan resolution to 'give voice to those silenced by the PRC and ensure that the legacy of Tiananmen continues to inspire generations to come.'
This 'means that much of what passed for reporting last week, including the reports that insinuated or stated outright that Israel had bombed civilians directly, was deeply irresponsible.' Yet NPR, The New York Times and other outlets 'presented Gaza's claims at face value' and condemned Israel 'without bothering to check first whether there was any truth' to them.
President 'Biden can continue to deny his responsibility for the criminal targeting of his...
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