Netanyahu Attacks Self-Described Progressives' Protesting Israel As Supporting Iranian-Backed Goons' That Shoot Protestors

"When you stand with Israel, you stand for your own values and your own interests. Yes, we're defending ourselves, but we're also defending you against a common enemy that, through violence and terror, seeks to destroy our way of life."
"What an absurdity. We help bring in 700,000 tons of food into Gaza. That's more than 3000 calories a day for every man, woman and child in Gaza."
"No army has done what Israel is doing to minimize civilian casualties. We drop fliers. We send text messages. We make phone calls by the millions to ensure that Palestinian civilians get out of harm's way."
"We see yet another profound moral confusion when self-described progressives march against the democracy of Israel. Don't they get it?"
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