MSNBC Host: Saudis, Russia Conspiring On High Gas Prices To Hurt Biden, Help Their Bestie Bestie Best' Trump Win Election

The gas prices, MSNBC host Ruhle stated emphatically, are not the fault of President Biden. Instead, she and guests Tim Miller of The Bulwark and former Bernie Sanders campaign adviser Chuck Rocha blamed Saudi Arabia and Russia wanting Trump to defeat Biden for the high prices, and the ignorance of average Americans for why that works.
Should President Biden be explaining this to the American people? Miller replied that he isn't sure how much explaining that would help Biden with voters, but that it's pretty clear that both Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Russian President Vladimir Putin would rather have Donald Trump in the White House.
These prices are not the fault of President Biden, she forcefully decreed. We've got the highest oil production in U.S. history and some overseas oil producers who would like to help DJT.
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