Karine Jean-Pierre reflects on two years in her historic role as White House press secretary

"It's not lost on me what my presence at the podium behind that lectern means," she recently told Advocate. "Being a first in many different ways, I'm an immigrant, I'm a queer Black woman, a person of color, and it is incredibly a heavy weight that I understand is important to carry with respect and understanding."
"Representation matters, and it is important to have that representation, but showing up also matters. Showing up for myself, showing up for my colleagues, showing up for little boys and girls, young people who are trying to figure out who they are and looking at me and saying, well, maybe I can do this even if they feel unsafe," she said.
"Let's not forget that he said something that no one at his level, no other leader, was saying," Jean-Pierre said.
"Online dating has improved for non-cisgender users, but it still has a ways to go to feel safe and accessible."
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