Joe Biden let Rachel Morin killer suspect in - her blood is on his hands

Friday's arrest of Victor Martinez Hernandez, the illegal migrant who allegedly raped and killed mother-of-five Rachel Morin on a Maryland hiking trail, marks the close of yet one more bloody episode for which President Biden bears full blame.
Authorities arrested Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, a suspected murderer from El Salvador who jumped the border, for the rape and murder of Rachel Morin. He had roamed the country after illegal entry until encountering Morin.
Hernandez was characterized as a prime suspect in a brutal home invasion in Los Angeles and wanted for murder in El Salvador before being allowed into the US through Biden's open borders.
The Biden administration's lenient border policies led to record illegal migrant inflows, resulting in crimes like Morin's rape and murder. Despite a so-called crackdown, the policies remain ineffective.
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