Is Israel going to back the Biden-announced Gaza peace plan?

The United States circulated on Monday a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council urging members to back a three-phase Gaza ceasefire plan that US President Joe Biden announced last week. Under the first stage of the plan, a six-week ceasefire would hold, during which the Israeli army would withdraw from populated areas of Gaza.
In the second phase, Hamas and Israel would negotiate terms for a permanent end to hostilities, although Biden said that the ceasefire would continue for as long as negotiations continue. The third phase of the plan would include a permanent ceasefire, which would allow for the reconstruction of the enclave.
It appears as though the country's coalition government is bitterly and possibly permanently divided. The cabinet's two far-right members, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, have rejected the proposal outright, and have threatened to bring down the government.
Netanyahu himself has been attempting to disassociate himself from the project, despite the US repeatedly stating that the plan came from the Israeli side.
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