Elise Stefanik Demands To Speak To The Manager Of This Here Federal Judiciary

"I write today to express my serious concerns about, and request an ethics investigation of, DC U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell for her highly inappropriate political speech she gave last month, at which she suggested reelecting President Trump will lead to fascism in America," she huffed in a letter addressed to DC Circuit Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan.
Stefanik is GRRRR SO MAD that Judge Howell got an award on November 27, 2023 from the Women's White Collar Defense Association. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch served as master of ceremonies and Judge Howell was introduced by Obama White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler, who said nice things about her. Plus Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco shared the honor with the judge, so obviously, this is evidence of judicial misconduct.
Read at Above the Law