Burdened prison staffers seeking more time between executions should 'suck it up,' top criminal court judge says

Judge Lumpkin dismisses requests for more time between executions, emphasizing the need to 'suck it up' and get the job done without indulging in 'sympathy stuff.' He highlights the previous execution pace in 2001-2003 as an example of fulfilling one's duty.
Oklahoma Department of Corrections officials seek 90 days between executions, citing the burdensome nature of the preparation and execution tasks that involve multiple teams. However, Judge Lumpkin, drawing from his Marine Corps background, encourages maintaining the set pace to fulfill responsibilities.
The request for 90 days between executions was prompted by the perceived 'onerous and not sustainable' nature of the current 60-day pace, according to Attorney General Drummond and Executive Director Harpe. They argue for a longer interval to alleviate burden on staff.
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