Ben Whishaw reflects on coming out: "Gay people of my generation came in at a strange time post-AIDS" - Queerty

"For me, it's better to be out. I'm definitely happier. I remember days when I wasn't out and that was a more stressful and unhappy position. So I'm grateful that's over and also grateful that we live in a world where it's not a shameful thing."
"When I started in the early 2000s, if you had said to another actor you were gay, it was implied or sometimes said explicitly that that was something you shouldn't make a big thing about. It was a disability, almost."
"Gay people of my generation came in at a strange time post-AIDS, which had a whole knock-on effect. Yet it was one secret I didn't need to keep."
"It doesn't need to be anyone's business, but being happy in oneself, not ashamed, is probably better."
Read at Queerty