Ann Rostow: Plus How Many? - San Francisco Bay Times

...the entire array also has a commonality that Sullivan ignores; we are all gender minorities, with the possible exception of '+' that is, indeed, totally meaningless. I'm not sure I'd call the rest of it 'incoherent,' but it's awkward and pompous.
But what about other contexts, you ask? True, we can find people who are biased against bisexual people even when they are in opposite-sex pairings, but, well, we are all subject to social judgments, aren't we? LGBTQ+, however, is a movement affiliation, theoretically designed to help us fight for civil rights as a coalition. That said, it feels like nitpicking to disparage the 'Bs.' Many are in long-term same-sex marriages and don't feel like calling themselves G, L, or Q. So, B joins the gang.
Read at San Francisco Bay Times