Your practical guide to staying safe while partying in NYC

Although I'm anti-fear mongering, especially when it comes to nightlife, we can't ignore the fact that every once in a while, tragic things happen when people go out. I'm thinking of last summer, when two men were found dead on separate occasions after they left the Brooklyn Mirage.
Luckily, New York provides resources that might make your night out safer, and there are ways to minimize risks by planning ahead. Here's a comprehensive list of things you can do to stay safer the next time you plan on partying, broken down by category.
For a lot of people, partying in a big city like New York doesn't feel safe, whether it's because of late night crime or the increasingly dire fentanyl problem. Although safer partying isn't the sexiest topic, it's something we all need to take seriously.
Make sure you know how you're getting back home after the club. Just as important as going to the club is having a plan for how you're going to leave.
Read at Time Out New York