Hyped Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Multiplayer Mod Killed One Day Before Launch

Today, our team members received a Cease & Desist order on behalf of Activision Publishing in relation to the H2M-Mod project. We are complying with this order and shutting down all operations immediately and permanently.
On August 15, the developers behind H2M announced on Twitter that they had received a cease and desist letter from Activision and were shutting down the mod 'immediately.'
The H2M Mod planned to include over 50 maps, a full MW2 progressions system, new attachments, gun camos, and original killstreaks featured in the classic FPS.
Players weren't happy about the news, especially because for the last week or so MW Remastered has been on sale on Steam, letting tons of players buy the game at a discount as they waited for the mod to launch.
Read at Kotaku