'A pre-loved designer handbag I bought online turned out to be fake'

When buying from another person, the goods for sale must only be owned by the person selling them and fit the description. It's very much a case of 'buyer beware' as you don't have the same rights as with purchases from a business.
If the item was described as being a particular authentic designer brand, you may have been a victim of counterfeit goods fraud. Alert the online marketplace admins, contact your local garda station, and be cautious when looking for designer items from other consumers.
Make sure to know what an authentic item looks like when buying supposed designer items from other consumers. Check for correct branding, existence on the brand's official site, and the availability of an authentication certificate.
If you suspect fraud or a scam with your bank or card details, contact your financial provider immediately, seek advice, and consider alerting your local police.
Read at Irish Independent