5 Things to Know About the Sorry State of Healthcare Cybersecurity - MedCity News

We're seeing attacks against K-12 schools in the heartland. We're seeing attacks on healthcare facilities. In the past, healthcare facilities were always protected, even in kinetic warfare. We never used to attack hospitals - we never attacked a tent with the red cross on it. But we now see hospitals attacked on a regular basis.
Healthcare providers getting attacked by cybercriminals is an inevitable fate, Natarajan remarked. Knowing this, providers have to work tirelessly to increase their resilience so they can bounce back from these attacks more quickly going forward, he noted.
On Monday, HHS launched a new cybersecurity program that will provide $50 million to develop better cybersecurity defense tools for healthcare providers. While it's easy to put a 'too little too late' stamp on the effort, Natarajan noted that all progress is good.
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