Dog barks in 'Italian accent' that sounds just like his owner's as social media anoints him 'sassy'

The owner, who goes by the name Antonia, uploaded a TikTok of the adorable husky, named Aaron, mimicking her in a very impressive Italian accent.
"I just looked it up and apparently, dogs can have regional accents. So, this dog doesn't just sound Italian. IT IS Italian," another commenter made a point.
Footage shows the dog, a 6-month-old Rottweiler puppy named Paddy, appear confused after being told to sit. "Sit," the owner says in what sounds like their regular English voice - to which the small pup doesn't comply. "Sit down!" the owner says this time in a thick Northern Irish accent. That's when Paddy immediately sits down when hearing the command before being given a treat.
Read at New York Post