Death Feels Very Close: Ryusuke Hamaguchi on Evil Does Not Exist | Interviews | Roger Ebert

The image and the music aren't dependent. They're able to match while also standing independently of one another. In that sense, I think we were able to reach an ideal finished product, as far as that relationship goes.
Kurosawa-san was my teacher in graduate school. He's, of course, as a filmmaker, someone whom I respect. I love his work, but I would say I was never trying to copy Kurosawa-san, and I try not to chase after his work either.
I think that we have two very different approaches. As a person who writes from dialogue myself, I believe this makes certain our works diverge.
I was actually keeping Kurosawa-san in the back of my mind: yes, in the sense of horror, but more in the sense of the ambiguity of his films.
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