Joe Trivelli's recipes for pumpkin soup, pheasant pie, radicchio and pears and baci di Hammersmith

There will soon be carnival celebrations in the Veneto from where delicious radicchio, the beautiful bitter winter leaf, hails. You will find here a salad that celebrates it, sliding it up next to pear with a sharp dressing to enhance its flavour. Some of these recipes require patience and effort, but not much fussy technique.
If livers aren't your thing, sprinkle with a few cooked nutty Puy lentils instead': pumpkin soup, sage and chicken livers. Photograph: Romas Foord/The Observer If livers aren't your thing, sprinkle with a few cooked nutty Puy lentils instead. All oven temperatures in these recipes are fan-assisted. Serves 4 pumpkin or winter squash 1.2kg olive oil celery 2 sticks red onion 1 garlic 3 cloves bay leaf 1 cognac or brandy 3 capfuls chicken livers 500g butter a generous knob sage 1 sprig dried chilli , crushed
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